5 sonnets in BlazeVOX 14

September 23, 2014 § Leave a comment

Front page is HERE, and my stuff HERE, the issue features poetry by;

A.J. Huffman, Amanda Fuller, Blaine Leal, M. Brett Gaffney, bruno neiva, Cate McLaughlin, Christopher Brownsword, Curtis Sabin, D. C. Andersson, Eric Mohrman, Giles Goodland, Glen Armstrong, Jeremy Biles, John Lowther, Mark Young, Michael Cooper, Morgan Bazilian, Cynthia Bonitz, Simon Perchik, Patrick Chapman, Peter van Lier, Sandra Kolankiewicz, Sean Burn, Heath Brougher, Craig Kurtz, Tim Willcutts, Willona Sloan, Roger Craik, Eric Basso, C. N. Bean, Matthew Dulany, Dilip Mohapatra, Geoffrey Gatza, Owen Sound, Stephen Nelson


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